Every work of art PHNX makes (music,visual art, and other wise) Has a story and a purpose. And that purpose is to represent the resilience of the culture and community that has made PHNX the creative and being they are in this time and space; to inspire others in hopes that it brings to light the creative in everyone ; as a means to heal through creation, as a tool to create and perpetuate positive change in ourselves, & our communities and our world as a whole . To PHNX, the process and the art itself is spiritually medicinal.
To create is to enrich your soul.
Cazimi is a boutique crafted by PHNX, that sells hand made adornments all of which elevate one’s essence. Cazimi is an Arabic work that translates to ‘as if in the heart’ in astrology it resembles a planet that is in close or exact conjunction with the sun or ‘the heart of the sun.’ A Cazimi alignment is thought to amplify and purify the energy of the planet, much like how these adornments amplify our spirit. Visit the link above to explore, purchase works and support Cazimi.
Fashion // clothing by PHNX
1-2. Double slitted ribbon skirt with embroidered overlay. Native American Ribbon skirts represent the sacredness and resilience of women/two spirit people. It also represents our connection to Mother Earth.
3-5. Velvet side slit backless lace up dress entirely sewn
6. Soular flower (version II of original logo) puff print bandana
7-9. Screen print design of Apache Gaan (crown) dancer
10. Various OG PHNX logos embroidered, screen printed patched hats & silk lined beanies
Version II
This symbol/logo
represents the belief that action is needed to revolutionize the world with movement and creation medicine.
You cannot create without movement.
That is the true mission
Because every aspect of this logo has so much intention,
Let’s break down each part of this symbol.
we see there is an eye in the center, a circle around the eye, three point crown like shapes going in four directions with PHNX and WAV written inside them, and four dots/ circles placed evenly in between each.
The eye represents the Aztec symbol, Ollin, a Nahuatl word which translates to ‘Movement’. this is the life force energy that permeates base of all life. It is called the navel of the universe. Shapes that can be seen as sun rays, waves or crowns, have three points. In numerology, 3 represents creation, mind-body-soul connectedness , and birth-life-death cycles. They sit in all four directions, 4 is a sacred symbol in both Aztec indigenous and Native American indigenous beliefs also symbolizing cycles of existence, teachings, seasons and medicines.
In Aztec symbolism Olin is describes as being composed of the four concepts, TLOKE (what is near) the principle of generation, NAHUAKE (what is closed) the principle of congregation, MITL (arrow/direction) the principle of displacement, and OMEYOTL (duel essence) the principle of integration. Olin and the visual representation of the four directions symbolize that creation is within, without, and all around us, a cosmic movement.
Originally the shape was made to be interpreted as sun rays, as Olin is the fifth sun over our current world; Nahui tonatiuh ‘the sun in its four movements’. this would represent the vitality, the joy and the energy of creation. If seen as crowns, it could represent the power of creation that is not only an adornment to life but is essential for our existence. This shape can also be interpreted as waves. Waves are created by perpetual motion of the winds tying back into the eye of Ollin, life moves in waves. the waves also play into the WAV in PHNX.WAV which is a format for audio files. This has a dual meaning as PHNX is a producer, and creates sound waves with the intention to heal. In some versions of this logo, the text that surrounds the symbol says “saved by the sound wav” which eludes to the healing aspect of listening to music and the creation of such.
The nimbus, or halo that sits between the eye of Ollin and the crown/waves/rays, represents the circle of life, the divinity/ sacredness of movement-life & creation. The dots in between were not intentional at first, just a way to balance out the logo, but after sitting and analyzing, subconsciously putting them there tied it together in more ways than one. They were first seen as stars representing the cosmos surrounding the sun, going with the theme of Ollin representing life force energy of the cosmos, and defining that ollin works in the four directions and all in between.
And because PHNX and WAV are sitting inside the rays, this small detail was appropriate in making the name cohesive with the logo.